If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14.


AMERICA, wake up! We were founded upon the principles of godliness and freedom. Our forefathers chose the hardships of a new world in order to be able to worship according to their own choosing. They had a solid foundation in God and ALL of His principles, commandments, and statutes. They handed them down to their children and their children's children. Our ancestors were God-fearing people who attended church faithfully each Sunday and tried to live as they had been taught. They practiced the "golden rule."

But, somewhere, we got off track. It is not beyond the imagination of anyone what happened. Our lawmakers saw fit to remove the presence of God from our schools by virtue of removal of prayer. We are supposed to be a "Christian" nation. And yet, we are not allowed to practice any form of religion?

Yes, there are a variety of "religions," or beliefs, in America - but, we acknowledge there is one God who is god of all. So, we choose to worship, or honor, in different ways. And, no, the government should not force us to serve our God in any specific manner, in other words, no 'state' ran religion. But, wait a minute. If the 'state' tells us we cannot practice our belief in God through prayer, seems to me that the 'state' has chosen to dictate our freedom of religion. In other words, the 'state' is telling us there is NO god to pray to, therefore we have no need for prayer in the 'state' controlled form of education -our schools!

I'll admit I'm not a lawyer (and if this is a requirement for lawyer, I will never be one) but I was raised up in a Bible believing environment, and I know that God needs to be taught to our youth. They are our future, if the Lord tarries, and we are denying them the nurture of godliness.

We all have an 'inner' desire for a 'power' greater than us to lead and to guide us. If our children are not taught to believe in God and trust Him, then they will find someone or something to fill the void. That is where we are at today, as a nation.

Madeline O'Hara (or however you spell her name) has seen to it that prayer has been taken out of our public school system, which in turn has paved the way for the Ten Commandments to be removed from our court rooms. GOD HAS BEEN REMOVED, and where there is a vacancy, Satan will eagerly fill it. He has corrupted the minds of our youth, and therefore, we have the violence that is rampart today.

There was more law in the 'old west' than there is today in our country. At least back then, an individual was allowed to protect him or herself. Don't try it today! The law, as it is written, is to protect the guilty until proven so. The innocent is victim to whoever feels free to victimize them.

We, as citizens of this country, are subject to the officials who preside over us. We are at the mercy of the government and lawmakers. They are the ones who have chosen to turn this country to the path we now trod. Is there hope? Not at the polls, for the foundation has been laid in our government that can only be continued 'as is.' One cannot start to build a shack and hope to complete a castle. Our government system is based upon the 'shack' principle. It has been the choice of our legislation. It would take a move of God Almighty to turn our country back to the 'way of righteousness.'

Can such a move take place? What does the verse at the beginning of this article say? "If my people, which are called by my name,...." says it all. We may attempt to persuade our congressmen to change the statutes of the law, but without divine intervention, I cannot see much happening. They want to remain where they are - in office. To 'rock the boat' might cause some to vote for another who promises to keep 'things as they are.' Yes, the Devil has a hold on America!

If we can only believe that 'he that is within you is greater than he that is in the world,' then we can call upon the name of the Lord, and in faith