Give Thanks

When the summer's drought was broken
Did you thank God for the rain?
When the crops were safely garnered,
Did you thank Him for the grain?

When you watched Fall's flaming beauty
Clothing all the forest land,
Did you thank God for the picture
From the Master Painter's hand?

When you read of ragged children
Begging for a crust of bread,
Did you thank your Heavenly Father
That your own were clothed and fed?

When death-dealing bombs were bursting
And the war planes zoomed afar,
Did you whisper, "Lord, I'm thankful
That our land is free from war?"

Have you counted all your blessings
Tried to name them one by one,
Friends and health and work and shelter
See! You've only just begun!

Blessings, yes, we have so many
We could never name them all,
Let's lift our hearts in glad thanksgiving
For all blessings, great and small.

by Bina T. Sarver
-from a church bulletin-